I was playing around with Quagga, when I realized how disappointing it could be.
My co-worker Ben then mentioned BIRD, a Czech project which does about the same thing, only this one actually works 😉
Granted, the syntax is like nothing you’ve seen before and may be pretty hard to grasp, but the sample config files will definitely help you get started.
What does this baby do, you ask ? No less than: BGP, RIP, OSPF, static routing, and supports both IPv4 and IPv6.
There’s also a shell that will help you query the daemon.
This post is by no means a manual or anything, I just wanted to spread the word!
Here’s a simple config example (where MY_IP, MY_AS, MY_NEIGHBOR and REMOTE_AS are values you need to set):
Then, just a few commands to use with birdc, the BIRD shell: